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Creating a menu from scratch
Posted on 14 July 2024 05:58 pm

In our previous article, we explored together the basics of the Aurmenu control panel and how to manage existing menus. Now, let's delve a little deeper and figure out how to create a completely new menu from scratch. Are you wondering what steps to follow to add new items, organize them into categories, and set prices In this part, we will guide you step by step through the process of creating an attractive and effective menu that meets the needs of your customers and increases the sales of your restaurant.

These steps are as follows : 

- Click on the Add New List button

- A window with two fields appears for you to fill in the list data 

- Enter the name of the menu and the explanation that expresses the identity of your restaurant 

- Then click on the Create List button 

- Show you the window for adding sections and items 

- Click on the new section button 

- A window appears containing the data of the section you want to create, and these data are : 

1-Name: Enter the name of the section to be added, For example (main dishes section)

2-explanation: enter the explanation of the section, for example ( special dishes that are unique to our humble restaurant ) 

3-note: in case you want to enter any notes on the section 

(You can translate the previous fields by using the translation button shown next to the fields )

4-you can take advantage of the artificial intelligence feature and create high-quality professional images of the department by artificial intelligence to save your time in the search and editing process 

5-add a photo: drag the photos from the file and drop them in the designated box 

6-determine whether you want the section to be displayed always or not 

7-determine if you want the section to be subsection or Main, for example, the main section is drinks subsection cold drinks 

8-in the event that the section is a subsection, I must specify which main section follows it by the drop-down list of the sections shown at the end of the list 

9-enter the code and display number 

10-press the Create button 

11 - in case of adding more than one section in a row, the save and add more option is selected so as not to close the creation window 

Photo for illustration 

The photo is taken from the web 

Photo by Android device 

After we have added the section, we must insert the items into it through some steps, which are as follows : 

- Click on the Add Category button 

- A window appears divided into three sections (general information, price options, extras ) we will discuss the explanation of each of them separately :

- 1-general information section : it is the main information by which the item is defined and this section of the window contains fields that must be filled in and these fields are as follows 

- Name: Enter the name of the item to be listed inside the section 

- Description: include a distinctive description of your item so that you can attract your customers and increase their interaction with your list 

- Creation by artificial intelligence : you can add images of items by artificial intelligence instead of adding them manually to ensure you a custom image of high quality 

- Add the image of the item manually : upload the image, drag and drop it into the special box to add an image 

- Price: specify the price for the item that has been listed 

- Calories: enter the calories of the Listed item to customize a distinctive dining experience for your customers 

- Specify the characteristics of the item such as (if it is tax-exempt or not, if it is tax-inclusive or not, if it is excise-tax-exempt or not, if the item is active for sale or activation of the sold mark )

- Categories: Select the section in which you want to insert the item 

- Enter the code and display number 

- Required labels: enter the required labels for the item such as (chef's specialty, most requested, and so on )

- Warnings: include allergenic items if the item contains allergenic ingredients to ensure a safe dining experience for your customers 

- Recommended Items: list the recommended items with the dishes such as (ordered with this dish so )

- Minimum and maximum time: add the minimum and maximum time for the order to be ready  

- Press the Create button 

- In case of more than one item in a row, select the Save option and add more so as not to close the creation window 


2-price options section : this section is intended to enter more than one price for one item, for example ( a large sandwich with such a price , and a small one with such a price) in addition, the basic price does not appear when ordering 

This option allows you to translate items after entering them in the price section 


3-Add-ons section: you can add more than one add-on and link it with the main item , so that the Add-On appears with the item upon request 

In this section, the minimum number for the addition request and the maximum number for the request are specified 


Photo for illustration 

The photo is taken from the web 

Photo by Android device

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