Knowledge Base   /   Dashboard explanation
Key elements and analytical reports
Posted on 17 September 2024 10:59 am

In our previous article, we gave you an overview of the Orminio Control Panel, and how it can be your perfect partner in managing your restaurant. Now, it's time to dive into the details! Together we will explore every corner of the control panel, revealing the tools and techniques that will help you optimise your business efficiency and deliver an unforgettable experience to your customers. Through this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to use every feature of the dashboard to get the most out of Euromonio, from managing lists to analysing detailed reports.

The Dashboard has a simple and intuitive interface and contains several key components. The most prominent of these components are as follows:


Upgrade button: Strategically placed in the dashboard for easy access. If you want to upgrade your package, you can simply press this button without having to search the app's settings.

Bell button : To keep track of the orders that have been placed by customers

Translation button : Control the app's language to facilitate communication.

Place Logo : When you click on it, the account settings, places, users and checkout appear.


*Image for illustration

*Image taken from the web

*Photo by Android device



In addition, detailed reports in the dashboard provide quick and direct access to data, making your research easier and saving you time. You will also be able to keep up to date with the latest updates and new information

These reports are as follows:

- Sessions Report: The Sessions Report is an important analytical tool that allows restaurant and café owners who use menu management apps, such as Ormenio, to know comprehensive details about customer sessions and interactions with the app. This report enables you to track the activities that customers perform while in your restaurant or when ordering online, which helps you optimise performance and make decisions based on accurate data.

It shows the number of sessions, session duration, session times and session source

- Order Count Report: It is a vital tool that helps analyse the performance of your restaurant or cafe by providing accurate information about the orders it receives via the app or digital menu. This report allows business owners to track the volume and details of orders, which helps optimise management and make informed marketing and operational decisions.

It shows the total number of orders, the number of orders per period, the average order value, and cancelled orders

- Average Order Report: It is a report that shows the average value or volume of orders made by customers during a certain period of time. This report helps to analyse customer spending patterns and provide insights into their purchasing behaviour.

- Total Orders Report: A report that provides an overview of the number of orders received and fulfilled during a specific period of time. This report is a key tool for assessing business volume and service uptake, whether it is in a restaurant or café.

- Pending Orders Report: A report that displays all orders that have been received but have not yet been finalised or placed. This report is mainly used to manage operations within the kitchen or catering area, as it helps the team monitor orders in progress and ensure that they are served to customers in a timely manner.


*Image for illustration

*Image taken from the web

*Image from an Android device



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