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Explanation of social accounts
Posted on 18 July 2024 12:53 pm

In a rapidly changing world, building a strong relationship with customers is the key to success for any business. Integrating social media accounts into your menu app is the first step to achieving this goal. Imagine having a platform that allows you to interact directly with your customers, promote your new offerings, and share engaging content that attracts them to your restaurant. Did you know that [60%] of customers make purchasing decisions based on social media recommendations? Harness this immense power With our Aurmenu app to build a community of loyal customers and increase your sales.


To enjoy this service, you must follow a few steps as follows:


- Log in to your account (the steps were explained in a previous article)

- The app's dashboard will appear

- Click on the settings option

- Select the Social Accounts option

- A window appears with some fields that represent social media sites.


The image is for illustration


Image taken from the web


Image taken from an Android device


- Add social media accounts: A handy window will appear with fields for all the popular social media platforms. Fill in these fields with your social media addresses to make it easier for your customers to reach and engage with you.


Reach your customers wherever they are at any time! Are you ready to change the rules of the game in the restaurant world with Aurmenu? Get started now!




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