Knowledge Base   /   Menu Control Explained
Explanation of menu control
Posted on 16 July 2024 12:56 pm

"Would you like to turn your list into a powerful marketing tool?""Effective menu control is the key to success in the restaurant world .  With the Aurmenu app, you can easily update and modify your menu to meet your customers ' changing needs, improve your dining experience, and increase your sales. Whether you want to add new varieties, adjust prices, or create seasonal menus, Aurmenu provides you with the tools you need to manage your menu efficiently. In this article, we will explore how to make the most of the menu control features in Aurmenu to get the most out of your business.

To be able to discover these features, we must follow the main steps to reach a professional list, which are as follows :

- Press the menu control button 

- Choose the menus option 

- A special window for creating lists appears for you 

- Click on the add new button or the Add sign in the window 

Photo for illustration 

The photo is taken from the web 

Photo by Android device

- A window appears for you to select the way you want to add the private list by a method, as the Armenian application provides you with three ways to be able to add your lists by them, and these three methods are :

1-import your list: where you can add your items and sections in the Excel file and import it by pressing the Import button from Excel and select the file that contains these items 

2-Create your list from scratch: this feature makes you completely in control of the way you want to display your list, and this method we will discuss in another article in more detail to ensure that your experience in creating your list is specialized

3-import from the Aurest : you can import your list from the Aurest application if you have subscribed to this service 

Photo for illustration 

The photo is taken from the web 

Photo by Android device

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