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Avoiding Common Mistakes in Menu Design
Posted on 14 July 2024 02:41 pm

Avoid common mistakes when creating your menu 




 Tips for creating irresistible menus


Do you want your restaurant's menu to be more than just a list of dishes? Do you want to attract and impress customers with an attractive and easy-to-use design? Here are some golden tips for designing effective menus using the specialised Orminio app:


1. Colours and fonts: Balance is key.


Limit colours: Use two or three main colours to avoid visual clutter and focus attention on the dishes.


Clear fonts: Choose fonts that are easy to read and consistent with your restaurant's identity.


Contrast: Use contrast between colours and fonts to highlight important menu items.


2. Images: A window into the world of taste


High quality: Use high-resolution images that clearly illustrate the details of the dish.


Attractive setting: Present images in a way that whets the appetite and encourages customers to order.


Variety of angles: Use different shooting angles to show the dish from multiple sides.


3. Organization: Easy to use


Clear categories: Divide the menu into logical categories such as appetisers, main courses and desserts.


Subheadings: Use clear subheadings to differentiate the different sections.


Price sequence: Arrange dishes by price in a logical order to help customers choose what fits their budget.


4. Description: Let the dishes speak for themselves


Clarity: Use clear and straightforward language to explain the ingredients and preparation of the dish.


Creativity: Use engaging descriptions that excite the senses and make customers imagine what the dish tastes like.


Nutritional information: Include allergy and nutritional information to cater for all customers.


5. Extra items: Make your menu stand out


Interactive: Use interactive elements such as animated images or short videos to showcase dishes

 in a more exciting way.


Customisation: Customise your menu according to different occasions (e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner, special occasions).


Integration: Link the menu to online ordering systems to make ordering and delivery easier.


Analytics: Use the data collected to analyse customer preferences and optimise the menu.


Also, don't overlook :


Visual identity: Keep your menu design in line with your restaurant's identity and branding.


Constant updating: Update the menu regularly to add new dishes or adjust prices.


Get customer feedback: Listen to your customers' feedback on the menu and make the necessary adjustments.


By following these tips, you will be able to design an attractive and effective menu that will increase your restaurant's sales and improve the customer experience.






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